
AI chatbot in healthcare

Unlock AI chatbots in healthcare: streamline admin, empower patients, revolutionize support.

May 3, 2024
 AI chatbot in healthcare

The intersection of artificial intelligence (Al)and healthcare has been a hotbed for innovative exploration.One area of particular interest is the use of Al chatbots, which have demonstrated promising potential as health advisors, initial triage tools, and mental health companions. However, the future of these Al chatbots in relation to medical professionals is a topic that elicits diverse opinions and predictions

Al could help make healthcare operations more efficient

The following are some examples of how Al could be used to benefit staff and patients:

  • Administrative workflow: Healthcare workers spend a lot of time doing paperwork and other administrative tasks.Al and automation can help perform many of those mundane tasks, freeing up employee time for other activities and giving them more face-to-facetime with patients.For example, generative Al can help clinicians with note-taking and content summarization that can help keep medical records as thorough as possible.Al could also help with accurate coding and sharing of information between departments and billing.
  • Virtual nursing assistants:One study found that 64% of patients are comfortable with the use of Al for around-the-clock access to answers that support nurses provide.Al virtual nurse assistants—which are Al-powered chatbots, apps or other interfaces —can be used to help answer questions about medications, forward reports to doctors or surgeons and help patients schedule a visit with a doctors.
  • Less invasive surgeries: Al-enabled robots could be used to workaround sensitive organs and tissues to help reduce blood loss, infection risk and post-surgery pain. Laparoscopic surgeries have been the mainstay treatment of the new era as it is very less invasive, therefore cosmetically better, moreover it reduces the duration of hospital stay and the person can resume his/her daily activities comparatively earlier.
  • Dosage error reduction: Al could be used to help identify errors in how a patient self-administers medications.One example comes from a study in Nature Medicine, which found that up to 70% of patients don’t take insulin as prescribed. An AI-powered tool that sits in the patient’s background (much like a Wi-Fi router)could be used to flag errors in how the patient administers an insulin pen or inhaler.
The Benefits of Implementing an Al Chatbot in Healthcare
AI providing Personalized Health Education

AI can provide personalized health recommendations by leveraging individualized data and preferences.

Data Analysis: AI algorithms analyze personal health data, including medical history, genetic information, lifestyle choices, and health monitoring data from wearables.

Machine Learning Models: By employing machine learning models, AI can identify patterns and correlations in the data, allowing for the creation of personalized health profiles.

Fitness Planning: Using AI, personalized fitness plans can be generated, taking into account individual fitness levels, preferences, and any existing health conditions.

Medication Management: AI can assist in medication adherence by sending reminders, providing information about drug interactions, and adjusting reminders based on the user’s response.

Easing the Burden on Medical Professionals

It should come as no surprise that medical professionals are incredibly busy, often managing a considerable number of daily cases.Chatbots can alleviate some of this pressure by taking on the burden of administrative or less critical tasks.For example, consider the immense stress that COVID-19 has placed on healthcare providers.With healthcare chatbots,people who think they might have contracted COVID-19 can discuss their symptoms with an Al chatbot rather than a doctor, freeing up the doctor's time for other patients. COVID-19 is just one example -chatbots can offer advice for a range of simpler medical issues.

Mental Health Assistant

AI can serve as a valuable mental health assistant by providing support, resources, and personalized coping strategies. It can offer a non-judgmental space for users to express their feelings and provide information on mental health topics. However, it’s essential to remember that AI should complement, not replace, human interaction and professional guidance in mental health care.

Fraud prevention:

Fraud in the healthcare industry is enormous, at $380 billion/ year, and raises the cost of consumer's medical premiums and out-of- pocket expenses. Implementing Al can help recognize unusual or suspicious patterns in insurance claims, such as billing for costly services or procedures not performed, unbundling, and performing unnecessary tests to take advantage of insurance payments .

Cost Savings

Having a chatbot available to make appointments, administer simple medical advice, and keep patients updated about their care plan can save costs in multiple ways. Firstly, having a bot means you don't need bodies in chairs (costly human labor and all the entails).Secondly, increasing patient access to straightforward medical advice reduces the probability of expensive medical interventions in the future.In other words, healthcare chatbots can reduce costs by reducing unnecessary treatments, reducing hospital visits and admissions, and lowering medical professionals workload. Just how significant are the potential savings? A 2017 study by Juniper Research estimated that Al-powered chatbots would drive $3.6 billion in cost savings in healthcare by 2022.

Reminder for Vaccinations and Medications

AI can remind users about vaccination and medication through mobile apps or smart devices. These reminders can be set up with specific times, dosage details, or vaccination schedules. Integrating AI into healthcare apps allows for personalized notifications, ensuring timely reminders and promoting adherence to medical routines. Additionally, AI can adapt to user preferences and provide educational content about the importance of vaccinations and medication compliance.

Patient education after Diagnosis

Personalized Information: AI can analyze patient data and provide tailored information about their specific diagnosis, treatment options, and potential side effects.

Interactive Chatbots: Chatbots powered by AI can engage in interactive conversations, answering questions, clarifying doubts, and providing ongoing support, making the learning process more accessible and engaging.

Educational Content Delivery: AI algorithms can curate and deliver relevant educational content such as articles, videos, and infographics to help patients understand their condition, treatment plan, and self-care practices.

Remote Monitoring: AI-enabled devices can track health parameters, offering real-time feedback to patients and helping them understand the impact of their actions on their health.

Language Understanding: AI can interpret complex medical terminology and present information in a more understandable and patient-friendly language, reducing confusion and anxiety.

Empowering Patients And Improving Patient Experience

Often engaging with healthcare services can be scary, even for minor or routine procedures.Part of this anxiety stems from a loss of control -patients have to trust medical professionals to make the right decision. However,it's also true that we tend to feel less anxious when we believe we have more agency in the process (when we're actively engaged rather than a passive participant).Healthcare chatbots empower patients to take control of their care,actively engaging with the bot whenever they like.Healthcare chatbots also improve the patient experience by cutting out the clunky aspects of managing health issues.For example, patients don't have to call to make an appointment, waiting in a long queue at an inconvenient time. Instead, they can book appointments through the chatbot at any time of day. They also improve the patient experience in other ways:

  • Chatbots make it easier to collect patient feedback, which can then be used to improve the patient experience.
  • Patients can ask questions and access reputable medical advice
AI as a Virtual Nutritionist

AI as a virtual nutritionist can offer personalized and evidence-based guidance for individuals looking to improve their dietary habits. 

Personalized Meal Planning: AI can analyze individual health data, preferences, and dietary restrictions to create personalized meal plans that align with nutritional goals.

Nutritional Advice: AI can provide real-time nutritional advice based on the nutritional content of foods, helping users make informed choices for their specific health needs.

Food Tracking and Analysis: Virtual nutritionists can assist users in tracking their food intake, analyzing nutritional content, and offering suggestions for maintaining a balanced diet.

Handling High Patient Volume with ease

AI can efficiently handle high patient volume in several ways:

Appointment Scheduling: AI-powered systems can automate appointment scheduling, optimizing the booking process and minimizing wait times for patients.

Chatbots for Triage: AI-driven chatbots can assist in initial patient inquiries, assess symptoms, and prioritize cases, ensuring that urgent matters receive prompt attention while streamlining routine queries.

Automated Documentation: AI can assist in automating documentation processes, reducing administrative burden on healthcare professionals and improving overall efficiency.

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: AI-enabled telemedicine solutions can facilitate remote consultations, allowing healthcare providers to reach a larger number of patients efficiently. Remote monitoring of patients’ vital signs can also be automated through AI.

Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms can analyze historical patient data to predict patient flow, helping hospitals and clinics allocate resources effectively and anticipate peak periods.

Prescriptive Analytics: AI can provide recommendations on resource allocation, optimizing staff schedules, and managing inventory to cope with high patient volume.